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Thread: Don't get mad GET EVEN with Fee Pay HOW TO!

  1. #1
    Forum Newbie
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    Default Don't get mad GET AWAY FROM Fee Pay HOW TO!

    Well it's official ebay just booted me because a rival seller and his friends ganged up on me and neg/dsr bombed. Before this incident I had a 97.5 DSR average and a 98.3 + feedback percentage. My anual revinue from ebay was $185,000 last year and the combined total of all ebay related fees ALONE was about $25,000!

    What they do when they boot you off is horrible if not criminal. First they cancel all you listings and remove your completed items stating that the auctions are null and void and if the buyer asks ebay what to do, they should file a paypal dispute. Next they email all your bidders AND sellers you bought from telling them that "ebay user" was booted and they could be kicked off ebay if they complete the transactiuons and stop just short of libel by saying that the "ebay seller" is a criminal who will defraud them.

    The icing on the cake is that they keep the final value fees for the unpaid items remaining after they booted you and told your buyers they would be suspended if they completed the transaction! There is no way for you to file an NPI report either. In short this is THEFT, and INTERFERING with INTERSTATE COMMERCE PURE AND SIMPLE!

    Once confronted with this fact, they try to blackmail you by reporting your earnings to the IRS! This would be enough to scare many ebay sellers off since a lot of them cheat and don't report income. I filed my taxes, so it was easy to tell them to pound sand!

    So what do you do to get even with the creeps?
    Last edited by Heruur; 5th May 2009 at 09:59 AM.
    Heruur Electronic Specialties Co.
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  2. #2
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    First you need to realize quitting ebay is a lot like quitting a very strong drug addiction, the first thing is to realize you HAVE A PROBLEM!

    If you still sell on ebay they will go to EBAY on pure name recognition alone. With their current policies they are going to kick you off eventually when a fraudulent buyer or competing seller has sour grapes about your sucess. Realize that ebay will do everything legally in their power to destroy your buisiness if this happens! THIS IS YOUR PROBLEM!

    If leaving voulenterily set a deadline for the move and let your customers know well in advance,- don't sell on ebay and another site at the same time. an effective method of doing this is a flyer or note enclosed in your ebay packages, preferably with a small token gift, I found candy works well.

    If you got booted, take a good hard look at what they booted you for, was it a legitimate mistake or was it BS? Chances are it is BS. You MUST prepare for this eventuality by keeping DETAILED records of your ebay customers ADDRESSES and E-MAIL addresses. Imagine if all booted power sellers sent emails to their clients and even 20% of them made the switch, and told their friends... it's a chain reaction thing.

    Give the new venue a fair shake. Expect to take a loss relative to gross ebay sales for the first 1 to 2 months. You should prepare for this by stacking aside enough cash and food etc to survive if it really doesen't work out.

    ADVERTIZE and MARKET yourself!!!! I cannot stress this one enough! Use sites like Youtube, myspace, and others to get yourself heard.

    This thread is open to other input suggestions and good ideas on how to quit the ebay habit!

    Last edited by Heruur; 3rd May 2009 at 01:18 AM.
    Heruur Electronic Specialties Co.
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  3. #3
    Forum Lurker
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    Hi from Australia,
    There would be many disgruntled people in the same position as you!
    In Australia we have a Consumer Affairs Department, and an Ombudsman, both to take complaints such as yours. There must be an equivalent where you are. Government organisations usually have more bark than bite though.
    If you search around, there may be someone conducting a class action against the rotters, which you may be able to join if you have a legitimate complaint. Seems to me that Greedbay only understands the bottom line, and the only way to make them behave decently is to have a judge force them to behave, as happened recently in Australia..........What else can you expect from people who refer to us as 'wallets'!
    Personally I believe in the law of Karma, why waste your energy , put it into building a productive buisness here instead.
    It would be unsustainable for a large company like greedbay to continually lose customers. It has been reported in the media that greebay ran at a loss. If that is true, could be a sign of things to come........
    Good luck,
    Last edited by Dianekmt; 3rd May 2009 at 01:35 AM. Reason: adding more.

  4. #4
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    Just listed 108 auctions on ebid about 60/40 Buy it nows to open auctions! let's see ebay put that in their pipe and smoke it.
    Heruur Electronic Specialties Co.
    ~If you can DREAM of it We can build it!~

  5. #5


    They will not be the slightest bit interested!

    Loads of us on here have left Feebay because of the way they treated small sellers.

    You will find it's slower on here, and you have to work at self-promotion, BUT its altogether a more pleasant place to be.

    (Maybe until feebay finally get rid of all the scammers and they decide to try here!)

    BTW - Not very keen on your about me page - all T & Cs and nothing about you!
    (Particularly don't like the idea of your 'wall of shame')
    Last edited by JudesNiceThings; 4th May 2009 at 08:16 AM.
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  6. #6
    Forum Saint Huddylion's Avatar
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    Don't think your auctions look very good with all that slagging off of feebay on them makes you look very petty and unprofessional i'm afraid.
    Apart from that welcome to ebid,and like Jude says you are going to have to do a lot of self promotion and be patient,because we do not get the traffic that feebay get.
    My feedback of
    is 100% positive and has all been earnt here on Ebid

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Huddylion View Post
    Don't think your auctions look very good with all that slagging off of feebay on them makes you look very petty and unprofessional i'm afraid.
    Apart from that welcome to ebid,and like Jude says you are going to have to do a lot of self promotion and be patient,because we do not get the traffic that feebay get.
    Welcome to Heruur's eBid page!


    1) Is there anybody out there??! It seems to me that it is dead here on ebid. For what it is worth i will be listing new items this weekend for one last time.

    Not exactly a warm welcome is it

  8. #8


    heruur 1st off welcome to bid.
    i agree with everything jules has said feebay will not give a dawn about you listing anywhere else they decided a long time ago that they no longer wanted the small guy.
    Next thing is it helps no one seller/buy or ebid if you jump on this site and slag off feebay. it makes ebid look like a safe haven for all the ex-feebay scamers and rip off sellers and this is not what we are about here so it helps no one. it also like huddy said makes you look a little un-proffessional.
    I have also had a look at you about me page and would like to know how people would quilify for your wall of shame?????
    would this be full of people that upset you in any way?
    I think you sould re-think you tag line to somthing like do get mad just walk away like so many other people on here have.
    A part for all that welcome to ebid you will find us all on here more friendler than feebay so you may have to do away with the wall of shame
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  9. #9
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    The wall of shame is for people who maliciously went over the top to harass me. It would not be for the garden variety non payer, seller oversight, etc. It has to be something VERY BAD. After about 8 years on FEEbay it only had about 9 entries, most of whom eventually good booted off for fraud etc out of close to 15,000 transactions.

    There is no need for it here so it has been removed, thanks for the constructive criticisms.

    As far as FEEbay goes, I was mad at them. Oh yes, feebay cares, not about the booting you as a seller part, they care that i have a list of thousands of my FEEbay customers and will just let them know i'm here. That is the get even part. In fact, they even emailed me today saying they plan on "reinstating" me on their website.

    With the comming pay-pal changes, maybe the booting was actually a wake up call and blessing in disguise. I know how pay pal can be and the comming June changes are a VERY BIG WARNING to get out now while you still can!
    Heruur Electronic Specialties Co.
    ~If you can DREAM of it We can build it!~

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Naturalistslibrary View Post
    Welcome to Heruur's eBid page!


    1) Is there anybody out there??! It seems to me that it is dead here on ebid. For what it is worth i will be listing new items this weekend for one last time.

    Not exactly a warm welcome is it
    No kidding.

    Sounds like another FeeBay castoff looking for a FeeBay clone site in which to take up residence. I'll miss him when he's departed from eBid by the end of the month (my prediction).

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