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Thread: Bulk uploader?

  1. #1

    Question Bulk uploader?


    Just seen pets express (Hi!) mention the bulk uploader and if you have listed some items already will it just append the additional items or will it replace?

    I have already listed some of my items from the 'other side' but thought I would have a play with the bulk uploader as it will be a lot quicker!! At the rate of doing 10 listings a day I will be here forever lol


  2. #2


    Hmm I'm not sure about that.

    We started out with a blank canvas - no listings and now we have nearly 300

    I suppose it depends how many more you have to do as you could easily go through once you've done the bulk upload and delete any duplicates.
    Gwen from Pets Express

  3. #3


    True, I currently only have 10 items, and need to do about 170 from ebay (much reduced listings from my once 800 items!) and then go through and gradually increase my items back upto the 800 mark

    This could take sometime

    Anybody want a job for the next few weeks lol

  4. #4

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by jonathonandtracy View Post
    PS how easy was it to use the bulk uploader?
    It was a lot of work and I couldn't have done it. Luckily Dave is pretty good with such things and far more patient than I am.
    Luckily all our listing were on our website which made access to them dead easy.
    Once we had the spread sheet filled out - the upload took less than 5 minutes.
    We have then been tweaking some listings and moving them to different
    categories in our shop.
    Gwen from Pets Express

  6. #6


    Ah so did you upload them from your website as oppose to 'other side' then?? I have almost everything on my website and a very reduced amount on ebay and it would be great if I could take them from my website instead - I don't think yours was a firepages website was it?? cheers

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by jonathonandtracy View Post
    Ah so did you upload them from your website as oppose to 'other side' then?? I have almost everything on my website and a very reduced amount on ebay and it would be great if I could take them from my website instead - I don't think yours was a firepages website was it?? cheers
    Ours is OsCommerce.All Dave's work
    Over the years our eBay listings had become a bit messy so when we opened our new webby shop we tidied them up a bit so it was the logical place to take them from.
    It meant we also had all the images in 1 place.
    Gwen from Pets Express

  8. #8


    thankyou Gwen for your help - I will have a play from things on my website

  9. #9


    Gawd I'm not much help. If you get stuck give us a shout and I'll get Dave to help. Most of the stuff he took off the Control Panel of the website.( that's wot he said anyway)
    Gwen from Pets Express

  10. #10


    Hi J&T, this is Dave.

    I exported all of our products from the database in ControlPanel using PHPMyAdmin and then merged them into the ebid xls file that you can download here. It's more straightforward than it sounds!

    If you get stuck, feel free to ask.

    Gwen from Pets Express

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