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Thread: daftest lockdown breach?

  1. #11

    Default Re: daftest lockdown breach?

    Just seen this in our local paper - Police had to send in an armed response unit after an illegal drinking session in a pub got out of control....

  2. #12

    Default Re: daftest lockdown breach?

    Thank you for the response, Majesty! I've been dithering back and forth mentally over this one. I can see how it occurs, this way of thinking. But most of us stop thinking like this when we become adult.One of the main characteristics of an adult is awareness of the needs of others. However, some never get there. I've decided to say no more to her about it. If she chooses to ostracise me over it, then that is her choice and I shall not attempt a repair. I am very surprised to say the least as I have known the grandmother for about 30 years. Incidentally I did double check the "exif" information for the photograph and it was not an older one; it had been taken as I said...All we can hope is that there are not too many others thinking that these rules do not apply to them!

  3. #13
    Forum Saint madelaine's Avatar
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    Default Re: daftest lockdown breach?

    I totally agree with Her Maj! That medical professionals could be so careless is terrifying.

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  4. #14

    Default Re: daftest lockdown breach?

    Quote Originally Posted by madelaine View Post
    I totally agree with Her Maj! That medical professionals could be so careless is terrifying.
    Agreed! It also drives home to us how much this relies upon trust; actions such as these raise huge question marks for me...!

  5. #15

    Default Re: daftest lockdown breach?

    Quote Originally Posted by cambrensis View Post
    It gets worse!!

    About 10 minutes ago I received a "selfie" of some friends - mum, daughter and grand-daughter (in new dress). It was taken five minutes before being sent to me. Hmmm....mum is a NHS nurse, Daughter works in a care home.....

    I weep for the human brain!!!
    I don't get it. Without further info I'm assuming they all live together and the dress was purchased mail order. Perhaps from eBid, even!

    So why are you weeping?
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  6. #16

    Default Re: daftest lockdown breach?

    Quote Originally Posted by johnwash1 View Post
    I don't get it. Without further info I'm assuming they all live together and the dress was purchased mail order. Perhaps from eBid, even!

    So why are you weeping?

    There were clues, without my having to spell it out, letter by letter!

    Firstly, if they all lived together would you seriously have expected me to bother to comment?

    Now add in the "selfie" (a word I hate, but I thought it might make the grouping clear)....

    Then, of course, we must add in the work of the 'adults'...


  7. #17

    Default Re: daftest lockdown breach?

    Quote Originally Posted by cambrensis View Post
    [/SIZE]There were clues, without my having to spell it out, letter by letter!

    Firstly, if they all lived together would you seriously have expected me to bother to comment?

    Now add in the "selfie" (a word I hate, but I thought it might make the grouping clear)....

    Then, of course, we must add in the work of the 'adults'...


    I try not to assume (ass, you and me?). So I thought one explanation might be that you thought they were living together but ought to be existing in separate rooms.

    Frankly, the crazy ideas that some folk have just make me reel. From one end of the spectrum (people driving from Brighton to Tenby... who'd go to Wales even at the best of times, eh, Camb!) and at the other end, some of the police who've done things like standing in the non-essential aisles in supermarkets and had to have a reality check from their bosses.

    People need to be free to exercise common sense (that most uncommon thing). For example, I can't see that the Scottish MP who was caught going to a second home was doing anything awful, certainly not something that required a resignation. She was driving in a car, not risking spreading the virus on public transport.
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  8. #18

    Default Re: daftest lockdown breach?

    Quote Originally Posted by johnwash1 View Post
    ..... I thought one explanation might be that you thought they were living together but ought to be existing in separate rooms.....I know them all too well for that and have often visited in the past - I should add that great-grandmother is still alive and lives a few doors away from grandmother!

    Frankly, the crazy ideas that some folk have just make me reel. From one end of the spectrum (people driving from Brighton to Tenby... who'd go to Wales even at the best of times, eh, Camb!) ....

    I have not been back in years. I have no direct relatives there now - simply one first cousin, once removed...

    People need to be free to exercise common sense (that most uncommon thing). For example, I can't see that the Scottish MP who was caught going to a second home was doing anything awful, certainly not something that required a resignation. She was driving in a car, not risking spreading the virus on public transport....
    It is not the journey that is the problem ....it is the arrival. Were she a carrier,she could take the disease into the area and return home a few days later none the wiser of the damage she has done. Enough has been done already without illness as well. These characters move into areas creating second homes and forcing prices up; they then attempt, deliberately, to change the area! Crazy! I came across some, when I was working in Suffolk some years ago, who had bought weekend cottages (!!!) and then started a petition to have the church bells silenced as they were awakened too early on a Sunday Morning!! Similarly I went to join a group on fb which was linked to the village in which I was born. I was asked to prove my connection, so I 'phoned their secretary!! I did not know whether to laugh or cry! The daft biddy was even trying to correct my pronunciation of place names in the area!! Only then did I realise that the 'phone number I'd been given was one for Birmingham. The damage these characters do throughout the UK is bad enough without their becoming carriers of a different plague.

  9. #19
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    Default Re: daftest lockdown breach?

    Quote Originally Posted by johnwash1 View Post

    People need to be free to exercise common sense (that most uncommon thing).
    Most people are abiding by the restrictions and are doing their best to maintain at least 2m distances between each other. Which I thought was the more important part of the original "Stay safe" message. But the longer this goes on the more anomalies they see, which can only cloud the issue and the more they see common sense disappearing behind regimentation that, in fact, is less safe than the common sense (but perhaps haphazard) approach that it is replacing.

    For example. Yesterday I had to visit the only post office left open within walking distance, inside a Tesco store, to post urgent legal documents. I had to queue with the shoppers. They have arranged for staff to mill around (without masks) spraying and handing a trolley to each shopper. Last time I had to do this I was allowed to walk straight in and short-cut to the post office outside the checkouts, never entering the shopping area.

    Yesterday I had to walk up and down the arrowed route across half the store and cross through the queue waiting to be directed to a checkout and then walk back to the post office. Instead of being in an area crowded with people for ten minutes, it took very nearly thirty. Is that common sense, did it make me safer or less safe?

    The other super-market, that I do most of my shopping in, has stopped people queueing on the pathway across the car park which ends with a zebra-crossing at the entrance and has carefully marked 2m spaces along the front of the building. Completely ignoring the fact that every shopper now has to cross through the queue to return their trolley. Again this makes no sense and doesn't make anyone any safer.

    As you say people should be allowed to use their common sense, as usual the box-tickers are taking over and common sense is being lost.
    ---------- * ---------- * ---------- * ---------- ---------- * ---------- * ---------- * ---------- * ----------


  10. #20
    Forum Saint madelaine's Avatar
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    Default Re: daftest lockdown breach?

    My local co-op has an almost permanent queue which is logically placed and works well. Once inside, people are divided into two sorts, those who are so enchanted with buying a loaf of bread and a tin of beans that they forget everyone else and drift about as if social distancing had never been invented and the others who are pleasant, helpful and careful.

    I think the logic of some of the restrictions has not been explained. Why can't I walk all day if I stay away from other people? Why can I buy knickers in Sainsbury's but not in House of Fraser?

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